April, 30: After several hours of intense studying and practicing, MSc Alexandre G. L. Fernandes obtained the two technical certifications created by Celonis on their Process Mining tool, the IBC Plaftorm (Intelligent Business Cloud).
Recipients of the Analyst Certification are able to undergo process discovery, build target-oriented analyses, set up intelligent actions and guide users into actionable business improvements.
In the other hand, the Data Engineer Certification aknowleges the proeficiency to set up all necessary process connections to arbitrary source systems and the ability to extract and transform data from these sources into a data model, which can be used by Analysts and Business Users within the IBC Platform.
The achievements were only possible due to the contacts made by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Fantinato and Prof. Dr. Sarajane Marques Peres with the representatives of Cienci, the brazilian partner of Celonis, who granted temporary but 100% free access to the training platform and to the certification exams.