Celonis Academic Alliance is creating opportunities…

Celonis has contributed with great commitment to train human resources in process mining. Actions promoted by Celonis have been helped us to draw the attention of EACH-USP’s undergraduate and graduate students, showing them great opportunities for specialization in this area. We are associated with the Celonis Academic Alliance program, so we are already benefiting.

Seven of our students (including undergraduate students and students who attended the first edition of our graduation course in process mining), took part in the Celonis program. This program offers courses and academic certification. In the Celonis program, the classes and exercises offered allow students to learn about various modules of its solution, including Process Explorer, Process Overview, Process AI, Conformance, and Case Explorer. At the end of the training, by developing an analysis for a proposed problem, the student can get the certificate of Process Mining Expert.

Other opportunities will arise, and we hope that more students will get interested in pursuing this complementary training. Brazilian companies are getting interested in applying process mining to their processes. This movement by Brazilian companies shows there is room to adapt the framework brought by process mining to national needs.

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